Gert Weijers

Gert Weijers

Medical Physicist

Gert Weijers is Researcher at the Department of Radiology of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre. In 2004 he joined the Clinical Physics Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre. He studied Electrical Engineering at the Saxion Hogeschool, Enschede. His special research interest are: quality assurance for ultrasound equipment, for which he developed the QA4US software package, cardiac 2D-strain analysis for which he developed post-processing software and a research platform, and quantitative ultrasound imaging for staging the hepatic fat content. The latter was also the topic for his PhD project, which resulted in the thesis entitled ‘Staging Liver Fat by Quantitative Ultrasound’ in 2019. In 2018 Gert received the NWO OpenMind grant for his research on fetal lung maturity classification using similar ultrasound methodology as developed during his PhD.

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