Anne Saris started as a new PhD student on the VICI project entitled: plane wave imaging for fast ultrasound strain imaging

June 01, 2012: Anne Saris started as a new PhD student on the VICI project entitled: plane wave imaging for fast ultrasound strain imaging

Rik Hansen started working on the VICI project entitled: plane wave imaging for fast ultrasound strain imaging

April 01, 2012: Rik Hansen started working on the VICI project entitled: plane wave imaging for fast ultrasound strain imaging

Medical UltraSound Imaging Centre (MUSIC), department of Radiology was founded

January 01, 2012: Medical UltraSound Imaging Centre (MUSIC), department of Radiology was founded. Chair Chris de Korte

Chris de Korte has been awarded the prestigeous VICI grant from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO)

December 15, 2011: Chris de Korte has been awarded the prestigeous VICI grant from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). The VICI is a personal grant of 1.5 million euros and is awarded at internationally recognized scientists. He is one of the few researchers that has been awarded the VENI, VIDI and VICI, the three different grants that form the “Vernieuwingsimpuls”. In the upcoming five years he will develop new techniques for ultrafast echography allowing to improve not only the image quality but also assess functional information of the heart and arteries.

Tim_Idzenga vhas been nominated for the Simon Stevin Gezel Award 2009

2010: Tim_Idzenga vhas been nominated for the Simon Stevin Gezel Award 2009, an award for scientists who received their PhD in 2008 on a project funded by the Dutch Technology Foundation.

Richard Lopata has won the "Best Oral Presentation Award" at the 2 nd Dutch Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering

January 2009: Richard Lopata has won the "Best Oral Presentation Award" at the 2 nd Dutch Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering. During the conference, Richard gave the best presentation in the CardioVascular sessions resulting in a qualification for the final. In the final, he gave the best 2 minutes presentation and won the award and a cheque. Richard is working on 3D cardiac deformation imaging and developed an ultrasound based technique to determine the strain in the cardiac wall in three directions (radial, circumferential and longitudinal).

Maartje Nillesen has won the prize for the best poster presentation by a junior reasearcher at the anual meeting of the Dutch Society for Medical Physics.

September 2008: Maartje Nillesen has won the prize for the best poster presentation by a junior reasearcher at the anual meeting of the Dutch Society for Medical Physics.

 Richard Lopata has won the Young Investigator Award of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.

June 2008: Richard Lopata has won the Young Investigator Award of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.

Maartje Nillesen has won the poster award at the First Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference in Egmond aan Zee.

January 2007: Maartje Nillesen has won the poster award at the First Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference in Egmond aan Zee.

Richard Lopata has won the Young Investigator Award during the 2006 IEEE Ultrasonics International Symposium in Vancouver (Canada).

October 2006: Richard Lopata has won the Young Investigator Award during the 2006 IEEE Ultrasonics International Symposium in Vancouver (Canada).

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