Anne Saris en Prof. Michel Reijnen

Hightech beeldvorming verbetert behandeling halsslagader vernauwing na OK

Elk jaar worden in Nederland ongeveer 3.000 chirurgische ingrepen uitgevoerd om een vernauwing in de halsslagader te verwijderen - één van de belangrijkste oorzaken van een beroerte. Deze levensreddende ingreep kan na de operatie echter leiden tot verstoringen in de bloedstroompatronen, waardoor het risico bestaat dat de slagader opnieuw vernauwd raakt. Onderzoek hiernaar wordt vanuit het TURBO-programma ondersteund.

TURBO grant for Michel Reijnen en Anne Saris

Michel Reijnen (UT) and Anne Saris (Radboudumc) received a TURBO grant for their research on Blood flow Evaluation After carotid surgical Treatment (BEAT); towards an improved treatment strategy for patients with carotid artery stenosis 

Chris de Korte receives the award during the Euroson Congress in Napels

Gert Weijers winns the EFSUMB Best Paper Award

At the 35th EUROSON meeting in Naples, the prize for the best published paper of the European Federation of Societies in Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology was awarded to Gert Weijers for his paper entitled “Noninvasive Staging of Hepatic Steatosis Using Calibrated 2D US with Liver Biopsy as the Reference Standard as published in Radiology

Succesful thesis Remy Merkx: Advanced echocardiography in childhood cancer survivors

On Tuesday August 27, 2024 Remy proudly defended his PhD thesis under the title "Advanced echocardiography in childhood cancer survivers, Fingerprinting the heart". 

Succesful thesis Judith Pruijssen: Ultrasound wave-tracking, pushing boundaries for vascular imaging

On wednesday June 5, 2024 Judith defended her thesis named Ultrasound wave-tracking, pushing boundaries for vascular imaging. 

Het team rondom Leon

Successful Thesis Defense of Leon De Jong

March 27, 2024 Successful Thesis Defense of Leon De Jong

Winner Innovation Award Radboudumc 2023: Thomas van den Heuvel

Research of Thomas resulted in 2021 in the development of the BabyChecker, a smartphone app that allows healthcare workers to obtain echography-based parameters of the fetus to reduce maternal mortality in low resource settings. Three years later, the BabyChecker is already introduced in 5 different countries in Africa. 

Professor Chris de Korte was recently appointed fellow of the global IEEE Institute (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers).

This prestigious award is rarely awarded to (senior) members who make an extraordinary achievement in their field. Chris de Korte received this degree for his contribution to the development and translation of elastographic ultrasound techniques.

Moein Mozaffarzadeh joins Music!

Moein Mozaffarzadeh joined MUSIC in September 2022 as postdoctoral fellow. With a solid background in ultrasound beamforming and especially in phase aberration combined with detailed knowledge on matrix array technology, he is an excellent scientist to develop new 3D carotid strain imaging techniques. Moein obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree both in Iran and did his PhD at Delft University of Technology.

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