Three‐dimensional quantitative muscle ultrasound in patients with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy and myotonic dystrophy
Leon de Jong, Anna Greco, Anton Nikolaev, Gert Weijers, Baziel GM van Engelen, Chris L de Korte, Jurgen J Fütterer
Extensive Cardiac Function Analyses Using Contemporary Echocardiography in Childhood Cancer Survivors A DCCSS LATER Study
Remy Merkx, MD,a Jan M. Leerink, MD,b E. (Lieke) A.M. Feijen, PHD,c Esmée C. de Baat, MD,c Louise Bellersen, MD,d Dorine Bresters, MD, PHD,c Elvira C. van Dalen, MD, PHD,c Eline van Dulmen-den Broeder, MD, PHD,e Margriet van der Heiden-van der Loo, PHD,f Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, MD, PHD,c,g,h Judith L. Kok, PHD,c Marloes Louwerens, MD,i Angela H.E.M. Maas, MD, PHD,d Sebastian J.C.M.M. Neggers, MD, PHD,j Cécile M. Ronckers, PHD,c,k Jop C. Teepen, PHD,c Arco J. Teske, MD, PHD,l Wim J.E. Tissing, MD, PHD,c,m Andrica C.H. de Vries, MD, PHD,c,g Gert Weijers, PHD,a Chris L. de Korte, PHD,a Jacqueline Loonen, MD, PHD,n Annelies M.C. Mavinkurve-Groothuis, MD, PHD,c Helena J.H. van der Pal, MD, PHD,c Leontien C.M. Kremer, MD, PHD,c,h,o Wouter E.M. Kok, MD, PHD,b Livia Kapusta, MD, PHD,p,q on behalf of the Dutch LATER Study Group
Differences in ultrasound elevational beam width (slice thickness) between popular handheld devices
Harm J. Scholten, Gert Weijers, Marco de Wild, Hendrikus H.M. Korsten, Chris L. de Korte, R. Arthur Bouwman
Noninvasive Staging of Hepatic Steatosis Using Calibrated 2D US with Liver Biopsy as the Reference Standard
Gert Weijers*, Isabelle D. Munsterman*, Johan M. Thijssen, Hans Kuppeveld, Joost P. H. Drenth, Eric T. T. L. Tjwa**, Chris L. de Korte**
US Attenuation for Liver Fat Quantification: An AIUM-RSNA QIBA Pulse-Echo Quantitative Ultrasound Initiative.
G. Ferraioli, V. Kumar, A. Ozturk, K. Nam, C. de Korte and R. BarrIn Vivo 3D Power Doppler Imaging Using Continuous Translation and Ultrafast Ultrasound.
C. Chen, G. Hendriks, S. Fekkes, R. Mann, J. Menssen, C. Siebers, C. de Korte and H. HansenMulticomponent material property characterization of atherosclerotic human carotid arteries through a Bayesian Optimization based inverse finite element approach.
S. Guvenir Torun, H. Torun, H. Hansen, C. de Korte, A. van der Steen, F. Gijsen and A. AkyildizLong-term cognitive, psychosocial, and neurovascular complications of unilateral head and neck irradiation in young to middle-aged adults.
J. Pruijssen, A. Wenmakers, R. Kessels, V. Piai, F. Meijer, S. Pegge, J. Loonen, A. Tuladhar, H. Hansen, J. Kaanders and J. WilbersLiquid-Liver Phantom: Mimicking the Viscoelastic Dispersion of Human Liver for Ultrasound- and MRI-Based Elastography.
A. Morr, H. Herthum, F. Schrank, S. Görner, M. Anders, M. Lerchbaumer, H. Müller, T. Fischer, K. Jenderka, H. Hansen, P. Janmey, J. Braun, I. Sack and H. TzschätzschAutomatic Placenta Localization From Ultrasound Imaging in a Resource-Limited Setting Using a Predefined Ultrasound Acquisition Protocol and Deep Learning.
M. Schilpzand, C. Neff, J. van Dillen, B. van Ginneken, T. Heskes, C. de Korte and T. van den Heuvel
Cardiac Events in Childhood Cancer Survivors Treated with Anthracyclines: The Value of Previous Myocardial Strain Measurement.
M. Pourier, R. Merkx, J. Loonen, A. van Cleef, C. de Korte, L. Bellersen, L. Kapusta and A. Mavinkurve-Groothuis
Cardiac function in childhood cancer survivors treated with vincristine: Echocardiographic results from the DCCSS LATER 2 CARD study.
R. Merkx, E. Feijen, J. Leerink, E. de Baat, L. Bellersen, E. van Dalen, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder, M. van der der Heiden-van Loo, M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, C. de Korte, J. Loonen, M. Louwerens, C. Ronckers, A. Teske, W. Tissing, A. de Vries, A. Mavinkurve-Groothuis, H. van der Pal, G. Weijers, W. Kok, L. Kremer, L. Kapusta and D. Group
In Vivo Comparison of Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation Based on Ultrafast Plane Wave Imaging and High-Frame-Rate Focused Transmissions.
M. van den de Bos-van Steeg, S. Fekkes, A. Saris, C. de Korte and H. Hansen
Comprehensive Comparison of Image Quality Aspects Between Conventional and Plane-Wave Imaging Methods on a Commercial Scanner.
G. Hendriks, G. Weijers, C. Chen, M. Hertel, C. Lee, P. Dueppenbecker, M. Radicke, A. Milkowski, H. Hansen and C. de Korte
Assessing radiation-induced carotid vasculopathy using ultrasound after unilateral irradiation: a cross-sectional study.
J. Pruijssen, J. Wilbers, F. Meijer, S. Pegge, J. Loonen, C. de Korte, J. Kaanders and H. Hansen
Comprehensive Evaluation of Pediatric Patients with Ebstein Anomaly Requires Both Echocardiography and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
L. Geerdink, W. van Everdingen, I. Kuipers, Z. Fejzic, G. du Marchie Sarvaas, S. Frerich, H. Ter Heide, W. Helbing, C. de Korte, J. Habets and L. Kapusta